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Mensajes - Lord Ironfist

Archibald's monologue:

Scenario 1:

Thank you for choosing to serve me.  You will find that I can be a
very generous lord to vassals who remain faithful, which is more than
I can say for the cowardly lords who refuse to take the oath from me.
I am King!  Not Roland!  No one can stand before me and refuse to
serve!  Go!  I have allocated a sum of gold for the purposes of
making an example of the lords closest to my castle.  Crush them, and
report back to me by means of the magical amulet I have sent you.

Scenario 2:

Excellent work, my good general.  I think we made an impression, don't
you?  The lords nearest us will certainly profess loyalty, although
the more distant ones still waver.  I think, however, we will require
a second demonstration.  In the frozen wastes to the north of us, the
Krashaw region, are a number of barbarian tribes that my father did
not bother to conquer.  These barbarians can be powerful if organized,
but fortunately they've never managed it.  I am sending you there to
conquer and unify them.  They will make excellent foot soldiers in
our efforts to put down my brother's rebellion.

Scenario 3 and 4 intro:

I.have a decision to make.  It has come to my attention that Roland
has struck an alliance with the king of the Dwarves.  I am certain
that you recognize the potential danger this alliance presents to
my-our position.  At the same time I have received a plea for help
from the Necromancer's guild.  It seems the Wizard's guild has moved
against their ancient rivals while they believe the royal forces to be
otherwise occupied.  The question I put to you, my general, is shall
we shatter the Dwarven alliance, or shall we rescue the Necromancer's
guild?  (Player chooses)

Scenario 5 intro:

(If coming from scenario 3)
Congratulations.  You have simultaneously weakened our enemies the
wizards and strengthened our friends the Necromancers.  The
Necromancer's guild sends its undying gratitude, and wishes to inform
you that one of their best practitioners will always be available to
serve you for as long as you serve me. And now I must direct  you to
an urgent military matter involving the Lorendale valley barons.  Two
have openly declared support for my rebel brother-a crime that I
cannot tolerate.  You must generate an army from scratch using the
castles of two of my loyal supporters.  Do not fail me.  

(If coming from scenario 4)
Well done, general.  The King of the Dwarves was so unhappy with your
work that he has sent me some hate mail.  It reads:  "To Archibald
Ironfist, Murderous and Vile Usurper:  We bid you down, down, down to
burn forever in the fires of eternal damnation!  We pray that your
foul general, who we name forevermore Dwarf-Bane joins you in this
fate."  (giggles) How charming!  The King of the Ogres has also sent
a message on this matter.  It seems that they were pleased with the
outcome, and have offered to permanently ally with us and send us
troops.  And now I must direct  you to an urgent military matter
involving the Lorendale valley barons.  Two have openly declared
support for my rebel brother-a crime that I cannot tolerate.  You
must generate an army from scratch using the castles of two of my
loyal supporters.  I will view failure with.displeasure.

Archibald's betrayal offer:

General!  This is King Archibald speaking.  Your exploits in the field
have impressed me, and I have decided to offer you one chance to join
me and receive a proper reward.  I can offer riches and power that my
brother can only dream of.  Wealth and power against the certainty of
the hangman's noose when I inevitably crush my brother's feeble
forces.  Well, what do you say?

Scenario 6 (thank you for not betraying me)

My pet necromancer overheard your conversation with my brother.  You
chose wisely.  My brother doesn't stand a prayer of winning this war,
and your head would have joined his on the chopping block.  But don't
fear.  If you continue to serve me well I will reward you with an
Earldom at my brother's summer palace.  Now to business.  The
peasants that plow my fields are staging a rebellion directed by
Roland's men.  I am directing you to put this rebellion down and
capture the leaders of the rebellion.  I am sending lord Corlagon to
aid you in your fight.

Scenario 6 (Welcome to the winning side)

Welcome to the winning side.  You will see that I am an easy man to
work for.  I reward success and punish failure.  If you are faithful
and we win this war, I will grant you an Earldom.  Now to business.
The peasants that plow my fields are staging a rebellion directed by
Roland's men.  I am ordering you to put this rebellion down and
capture the leaders of the rebellion.  I am sending lord Corlagon to
aid you in your fight.

Scenario 7 and 8 intro:

Your punishment of the peasants was inspiring.  An exemplary job.  Our
next move is to conquer the rural lords near Roland's castle.  While
these lords can be defeated using conventional methods, it is the firm
opinion of my chief warlock advisor that the aid of the dragon king
would be an effective weapon against our enemies.  Unfortunately, the
dragon king will not help us voluntarily.  What is your counsel, my
general?  Shall we launch an immediate attack against Roland's
vassals, or shall we first conquer the dragons?

Scenario 8 (if coming from 7)

Well done.  The dragon king is cooperating with us now, and I have him
on a short leash. (aha ha ha.) They will supply extra forces for our
armies and will cooperate if you encounter any in the wild.  Carry on
with the attack against Roland's vassals.

Scenario 9 and 10 intro:

Your swift elimination of those country lords almost makes it look
easy.  Perhaps next time you should slow down a little, just to give
them a sporting chance!  (chuckles)  The time to prepare for the final
attack against Roland has come.  My advisors are of two minds:  One,
that we should focus our efforts on gathering the armies necessary to
defeat Roland, while the other is to search for the Ultimate Artifact.
Since you are the man in the field, what is your decision?

Scenario 11 intro:

Our finest hour is upon us!  Roland's forces have retreated to the
province around his castle, and Roland, the fool, cowers in his
summer palace, awaiting our final strike!  You have gathered your
forces for this final battle, now go!  Crush the rebellion and bring
my brother back in chains!

Archibald's final speech:

Well, Roland, it seems I've won our little contest.  But don't worry.
Not only have I decided to spare your life, but I am appointing you
monarch of the Western Tower.  You will be the ruler of a mighty
empire, one who's every crack and crevice you will know. in ten
minutes.  Perhaps I will come and visit your splendid court, when you
are not entertaining important rats and spiders.  (laughs, trailing

Voice Descriptions

Narrator:  Old man, historian sounding, kindly, blah, blah, blah.

Roland:  Good guy knight type.  Deep voice.

Archibald:  Evil wizard type.  Think of Tim Curry, or John Hurt
in the role.  Cultured, faintly British accent.
Roland's monologue:

Scenario 1:  

My faithful vassal.I greet your pledge of loyalty with gratitude and
relief.  As you know, my wicked brother Archibald has seized my
father's castle and usurped the throne.  Only the lords nearest the
castle have been quick to swear allegiance to him, But I fear even
distant lords may take the oath in the absence of a viable
alternative.  I am determined to provide that alternative, even if
means making war on vassals formerly loyal to my father.  Therefore,
it is with a heavy heart that I must order you to compel the loyalty
of the barons nearest my summer palace by force of arms.  Since we
cannot afford to fail, I have provided you with a sum of gold
sufficient to the task.  I have also provided you with a magical
amulet to help coordinate our war efforts.  Wear it always and we
will be in constant communication.

Scenario 2:

Well done!  Our initial move is an unqualified success.
Unfortunately, we have no time to celebrate.  The remainder of the
local nobility is less than pleased with our recent military
victories, and have organized their defenses against us.  It is up to
you to put down their rebellion, but I will need the forces you raised
in your previous mission to secure that region properly.  Once again,
I needn't remind you of the seriousness of your mission.  We must win
in order to secure the taxes necessary to finance the war against
Archibald.  I am giving you the last of my gold to raise the armies
you will need to force their surrender.

Scenario 3 or 4 intro:

Congratulations!  A splendid display of military acumen!  With the
financial backing of this rich farming region, we now have the gold
it takes to win this war.  Now we need to secure the resources.  Our
enemy Archibald has begun to move troops into the mountainous mining
regions of the south known as Carator, and we need to oppose him and
seize these resources for ourselves.  At the same time, I have
received a plea for help from Roklin, King of the Dwarfs. Archibald's
warlocks have attacked  a dwarven village four days ago, slaughtering
every last man, woman, and child in their quest for dwarven gold.
Finding none, they press their attack against the rest of the dwarven
holdings.  My general, I seek your counsel.  Shall we launch an
immediate attack on Archibald's forces in Carator, or shall we go to
the aid of the Dwarfs?  (player makes decision)

If scenario 4 is entered from scenario 3:

Roklin has sent a messenger to convey his undying gratitude for your
assistance against the warlocks.  In return for your aid, Roklin has
promised you the unconditional support of the dwarfs for as long as
you should serve me.  Already he has sent troops to the Carator
mountains in anticipation of your move against Archibald.  His forces
await your command.  

Scenario 5:  

Our seizure of the Carator mines has strengthened our position
immeasurably.   This strength, in turn, has begun to convince some of
the more cautious  lords to join our righteous struggle.  Two of
these neutrals have finally agreed to join our side.  Their
strongholds lie in a key valley that must be controlled in order to
maintain supply lines to Archibald's castle.  Your orders are to raise
an army from the local population and launch an attack against the
other two disloyal barons in the valley.  Once this objective has
been achieved, we will be firmly in control of the continent's
resources and will at last shift from defense to offense.

Roland's betrayal offer:

General, this is Roland, your rightful king.   I have a proposal for
you.   Come and fight on my side.  You and I both know that you are
wrong to work for my evil brother.  It must gnaw at your conscience to
know that you serve an unjust usurper, and for what reward?  Money? I
can give you money too.  I offer not just riches, but honor, duty,
and purpose.  Come join me and serve the cause of justice.  Now, what
say you?

Scenario 6: (Thank you for not betraying me)

My seer informs me that you have turned down an offer to betray me.
Once again, it seems, I am in your debt.  You may rest assured that
when all this is over your service will not go unrewarded.  I have
received a request for aid from the sorceresses of Noraston.  Their
public declaration for me has made them the object of Archibald's
wrath.   Archibald has sent a large army to make an example of them.
They must be defended if we are to maintain our diplomatic
credibility.   I am sending Lord Halton to assist you in your efforts
to rally the Sorceresses.  And once again, thank you.

Scenario 6:  (Welcome to the good side)

You've made the right decision!  If you remain true to your service
with me, you may rest assured that a reward awaits you at the end of
this war.  I have received a request for aid from the sorceresses'
guild at Noraston.  Their public declaration for me has made them the
object of Archibald's wrath.  Archibald has sent a large army to make
an example of them.  They must be defended if we are to maintain our
diplomatic credibility.  I am sending Lord Halton to assist you in
your efforts to rally the Sorceresses.  And once again, thank you.

Scenario 7 and 8:  

The sorceresses send their regards for your aid, and promise to make
available their  best practitioners while you remain in my service.
My good general, I require your counsel.  The time draws near when we
must prepare and launch an attack against my evil brother.  My
advisors have given me mixed advice.  Half say that I should send you
to gather troops for the attack against the lords that remain loyal
to Archibald, while the other half tell me to send you on a quest
through the travel gates to find the fabled Ultimate Crown.  What say
you?  (player makes choice)

Scenario 9:  

I see that you have gathered your force and are poised to attack
Archibald's defenders.  Due to a desperate counter offensive upon my
holdings here in the West, I am unable to send you aid in this
crucial hour.  I can only hope that the forces you have gathered,
magical or otherwise, are sufficient to the task.  Lord Haart will
assist you in your endeavor.Oh, and one more thing-Be sure to capture
general Corlagon.  If we can deny Archibald his wisdom, Archibald
will fall more easily.

Scenario 10:  

At last, the war draws to an end.  My brother refuses to surrender in
the face of your army, and instead sends his undead armies to
continue their war against his own people.  I must redirect the
forces you so cleverly led to victory against general Corlagon to the
defense of the people.  I have decided to put Lord Haart in charge of
the defense and you in charge of the attack against my brother's
weakened arms.  You have free access to the holdings you recently
confiscated from Archibald's vassals.  Use them wisely and capture my
brother!  Let us bring this civil war to an end!

Roland's sentence of Archibald:

Brother Archibald, for your crimes against the kingdom and myself, I
give you a mercy you surely would not have shown me:  I sentence you
to be turned to stone and locked in the west tower until future
generations should take pity upon you and restore you to life.  If
they ever do.  In any case, you may rest assured you will never lay
eyes upon the crown again.
CAMPAÑAS ORIGINALES Intro anterior a elegir campaña

Intro Script (Narrator)

Begin with black screen.  

"The troubles all began three years ago,
with the passing of the old king, Lord Ironfist."  

(Fade into portraits of the two brothers)

"The king left two sons"

Dissolve to close up of Roland, the good son.

"Roland was good, kindly, and honorable,"

Fade to black to both portraits and focus on Archibald, the bad son.

"While Archibald was.not so good."

Fade into peaceful boating scene.  

"Traditionally, the choice of the heir falls to the royal seer."

Cut to white flash.
Cut to boat sinking, flash of lightning, and dark figure in background
slinking off.

".But he died in a tragic boating accident."

Fade to portraits of three other seers.

"His successors' luck was no better."

Cut to steep angle of castle, looking down at the moat.

".with Frederick falling out of a window"

Cut to scene of a dragon blasting a tower.

"Robert slain by a dragon,"

Cut to dining area, where we watch shadow of man on wall.

"And Johann dying of food poisoning."  

Shadow slumps onto the table.

Cut to image of parchment with broken seal.

"Archibald accused Roland of murdering the seers, and issued a
proclamation against Roland."

Cut to moonlit castle, with dark figure on horseback galloping off.

"Fearing for his life, Roland fled the place for his castle in the

Cut to secret meeting between Archibald and Royal Seer (silhouette)

"With Roland gone, Archibald was able to influence the new royal
seer's decision."

Quick cut to close up of table.  We see dagger plunge into table top
and vibrate.  Cut back to see Archibald's shadow leaning forward
menacingly.  Fade back to portrait of Archibald.  The portrait of
Roland has been torn up, as with a knife.

"The seer chose Archibald, and Archibald crowned himself king the next

"And so the War for Succession began."

"Choose your Lord." (fade to black)
Ya podéis cerrar este hilo. Perdón a los que les he robado algo de su tiempo, pero al segundo de volver a ponerme con el mapa vi que efectivamente en un poblado de los que tenía podía comprar el astillero  :bash: hilo cerrado y latigazos para mí como castigo
No tengo nuevas novedades a día de hoy porque no hemos vuelto a jugar a duelos. Él es un poco más novato que yo jugando pero también ha jugado lo suyo a los héroes. Ya os contaré nuevos combates  :medieval:
El número de unidades por stack depende de la raza. Creo que en las criaturas de nivel 7 el máximo número es 6 en todas, pero por ejemplo, te dejan tener 150 maestros gremlims en un stack y solo 40 ó 50 asesinos en el stack equivalente de un héroe de mazmorra.

Tampoco puedes tener 7 stacks con 6 dragones en cada uno, porque te pasas de precio. No parece muy difícil matar a mi héroe, pero es que los elfos tienen minada la moral de mi amigo.

Probó un héroe de academia con 3 stacks de 30 archimagos cada uno, titanes, y unidades nivel 6 a saco, pero sus archimagos no pudieron ni reaccionar a las flechas de mis elfos. El resto cayeron a manos de dragones y nuevas flechas.

También probó con un brujo (Lethos) con dragones negros, rojos, un montón de nivel 2, incursores, etc etc. Me hizo muchas más bajas, pero aún lejos de la victoria.

También con uno de santuario, con arcángeles rojos y blancos, grifos rojos, caballeros rojos y blancos y monjes, pero sus caballeros sólo podían cargar contra los árboles causando bastante poco de daño y mis elfos estuvieron muy lúcidos con arcoiris. Un sólo stack de mis elfos (42) se cargó uno de sus stacks de arcángeles, lo que le llevó a la locura  :cheers:

No ha probado aún con elfos porque no tiene mucha gracia, además quiere matar a mis elfos con sus propias armas (les está cogiendo muuucha manía a los elfos xD)

También es una locura que mi lluvia de flechas les de a todas sus unidades, sea la raza que sea, unido eso a imbuir flecha con retardo...
Le diré todo esto a mi amigo, porque por ahora mi héroe sigue invicto :clap: El ejército que más daño me hizo fue uno con Lethos a la cabeza, pero también cayó. No ha probado aún con infierno, necrópolis ni fortaleza. Las otras razas ya han caído. Por supuesto que el ejército no es invencible, pero le tiene totalmente comida la moral a mi amigo  :roll1:

Los elfos le tienen ya muy mosca, y los árboles no dan resquicio (mi héroe tiene también táctica). Le he propuesto ideas para nuevos héroes, pero está tan desanimado que cree que ponga lo que ponga será exterminado con mis dragones y con mis elfos.

Mi combate siempre es igual. Lanzo a mis dragones contra sus unidades de menor nivel y después los elfos empiezan a fulminar a sus stacks más poderosos.

A la pregunta de Borjita, mi héroe no usa magia nunca, a no ser que sea para anular algún estado perjudicial. Mi amigo en cambio ha provado de todo, pero el héroe de 18 de spell power que creó movió una sola vez.

Con vuestros consejos haré otros héroes, a ver si hago otro más poderoso xD

Pd: ¿qué unidad es esa que controla a un stack enemigo? ¿tiene iniciativa suficiente para no ser exterminada antes de mover?

Edito: me considero un jugador muy novato en el héroes V (que no en los anteriores) y mi amigo es más novato aún que yo. Disculpad preguntas que os puedan ofender de lo novatas que sean, o por considerar ahora mismo mi ejército invencible xD Seguro que dentro de poco lo consideraré un patán  :thumbsup:
Pues sale sobre el primer mes o así. De hecho la misión tiene límite de tiempo de unos tres meses. Probé a cargarme los Zounds con mi gran ejército y tras una fácil victoria (un tanto sospechosa... 32167...  :thumbup: ) comprobé que los artefactos que guardaban eran de ataque y defensa pero nada de volar ni por el estilo. Volveré a probar de todas formas. ¡Gracias Lepastur!
Hemos hecho más combates y todos sucumben a mi gran héroe  :medieval: Lo máximo que un héroe ha podido hacer es cargarse a la mayoría de uno de los stacks de elfos arcanos. Los demás han pasado por la piedra incluso con bajas tan mínimas que dan vergüenza.  :roll1: Mi amigo sigue probando héroes nuevos que puedan derrotarlo  :thumbup:
Hay dos misiones en paralelo. La 3 de buscar al hijo y la 4 de buscar al tío loco. Puedes elegir una sólo. Cogí la 4 pero no veo que se pueda. Además me encuentro un ejército neutral de ZOUNDS dragones negros que protegen 5 artefactos (ninguno reseñable) cual aficionado que se quería echar unas risas creando el mapa.

El mapa la verdad es que es muy feo, las minas desprotegidas, muchas cabañitas en alguna zona sin ton ni son. Como si las hubiera creado un aficionado vamos... lo cual añade más incertidumbre a si alguien probó a pasarse la campaña tirando por la misión 4 en lugar de por la misión 3
Esta mañana un amigo y yo hemos creado cada uno un héroe para el modo duelo. Él ha creado uno bárbaro y yo uno elfo. El combate ha durado lo mínimo, pues después de mover mis dragones y mis elfos el 80% de su ejército ha muerto. Yo tenía estos stacks: 42 elfos arcanos, 42 elfos arcanos, 42 maestros cazadores, 12 árboles aumentados primer tipo, 12 árboles aumentados segundo tipo, 6 dragones esmeraldas y 6 dragones de cristal.

Mi héroe tenía iniciativa, moral y suerte. El suyo no ha podido casi ni mover. A lo que he llegado a plantearme, ¿cómo sería un ejército que pudiera vencer al héroe que he creado?  :tongue:
Nunca pensé que no sería capaz de pasarme una fase por motivos ajenos a un ejército abrumador del rival. Pero es que en el escenario 4 de esta campaña no encuentro qué tengo que hacer...  :bash:

Se supone que tengo que encontrar a mi tío loco, pero una vez explorado la mitad del mapa descubro que es innacesible la otra mitad. Probé a construir la cofradía nivel cinco, pero de dimension door nada de nada. No pasa nada por no pasármela porque hay una bifurcación en el mapa de misiones de la campaña y puedo tirar por otro lado, pero estoy rallado totalmente  :confused:
Hombre así sin pensar mucho. Vital mejorar los vampiros, las gorgonas, los ángeles, los colosos, los arqueros, los gremlims...

Para mí lo peor son aumentar los gogs, que llega un momento que no puedes disparar sin darte a ti mismo  :furious: qué apestosos son...
Bueno si nos ponemos en el Heroes II los titanes y los dragones negros son unos descaros. Y en el Heroes III el infierno, los bárbaros y los lagartos son apestosos. En el caso del infierno en partidas cortas, medias y largas  :tongue:
Yo, y cualquiera que tenga el Heroes II Gold al menos, tengo las transcripciones de las campañas del Heroes II. Es decir, lo que dicen los vídeos por escrito aunque en inglés. De hecho ahora que me las estoy pasando antes del vídeo me leo el documento y aunque no sepa la traducción al 100% por lo menos sé de que van.

PD: aunque el no saber de qué iban no impidieron que disfrutara las originales del Heroes II.

Heroes II 2ever!