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Mensajes - Lord Ironfist

Todavía no ha probado con infierno ni necrópolis, pero está harto de perder xD. Pero ya poco a poco empieza a acercarse más a la victoria, así que no le doy más pistas que luego me gana xD
La explicación del Hamachi y el Heroes tiene un pero. En los anteriores Heroes (II y III al menos) no dan la opción de jugar en red local que es el fundamento del Hamachi (creo) ¿Cuál de las distintas conexiones se usaría entonces? ¿TCP/IP, IPX, modem, direct connect..? en este último caso, hay que especificar baudios, puerto COM (1, 2, 3 ó 4) bit de paridad, etc, etc. ¿Qué valores hay que poner? ¿todos los jugadores el mismo COM, distinto..? ¿el máximo de baudios, otra cantidad..?

Mil gracias a los que me respondan a todas mis preguntas  :cheers:
Mi amigo está tan quemado de mis elfos que amenaza con crear un ejército exclusivo lleno de elfos xDDD
Todo eso ya lo probamos. De verdad que es totalmente desquiciante ver cómo nunca aparece el otro en la partida creada. Acabo de quitar todos los mapas de la carpeta excepto uno, para la próxima vez que lo intentemos ver si era por  tener tantos mapas por lo que nunca acababa de aparecer el otro. Espero que sea eso y no lo de abrir puertos o quitar cortafuegos  :ranting:
Aprovecho que alguien ya ha abierto este hilo para decir que debo de ser la persona más inútil junto un par de amigos en crear partidas on-line. Con el Heroes V hay la opción de crear partida en red local, que es en lo que se basa el Hamachi virtualmente.

¿Pero qué hay que hacer para crearlas en el heroes III Complete o en el Heroes II Gold? hemos probado todas las opciones tras conectarnos al Hamachi, pero nada. Y ya lo intentamos hace unos años. ¡¡Necesito jugar al Heroes On-line!! ¡es un sueño que tengo!  :console:

Que si baudios, que si waiting, que si se peta el juego... ¡que alguien nos ayude por favor!  :cry:  :cheers:
Los bolígrafos se joden siempre, pero nunca nos damos cuenta de ello  salvo cuando los necesitamos imperiosamente.

¿Qué problema en organización habría en coger los 5 mapas más difíciles del Heroes II y organizar un pequeño torneo off-line al estilo del Heroes III que ya hubo?

Si las pulladitas acerca de la gente interesada en torneos que no mueven un dedo iba por mí, pronto os sorprenderé con algunas colaboraciones  :thumbdown:
Bueno, pero primero me tengo que pasar las dos campañas de la expansión que me quedan  :medieval: ¿se pueden subir archivos o imágenes directamente sin tener que subirlas a algún servidor antes?

Ahora que lo pienso, también me tendré/tendría que pasar las dos campañas originales porque me instalé el juego hace poco. Con tranquilidad se podría ir haciendo.

De todas formas no hay que dar las gracias por las transcripciones, se encuentran en dos archivos de texto dentro de la carpeta del juego una vez que lo instalas  :thumbsup:
Esto se llenará cuando la gente que no juega por Internet se entere como va del todo xD yo llevo jugando unos 10 años a los Heroes y no he jugado ni una mísera partida on-line, y eso que lo he intentado.

¿Dónde están las guías para usar el Hamachi, abrir puertos, etc etc? xD

Otra de regalo, si se organizara algún torneo on-line u off-line de cualquiera de los Heroes, ¿qué posibles premios habrían para atraer a la gente?
Pobre héroe mío... ¿¿qué es ese prodigio de la confusión masiva??
Jeje por mí encantado pero tendría que ser desde casa de mi amigo porque yo no tengo el Heroes V. Bueno sí, pero no me va xD.

Pues además de los stacks que ya he dicho, mi héroe tiene ofensiva y defensiva experta, suerte y moral avanzada o básica, no recuerdo, pero con artefactos que en total le hacen tener 3 en suerte y 3 en moral, etc.

Tengo el artefacto de iniciativa a criaturas grandes o a pequeñas (o ambas, no me acuerdo). El artefacto de -2 de suerte al rival. Táctica, puntería, lluvia de flechas y nada de spell power o conocimiento. Creo que frenesí y los puntos de ataque y defensa que te dan a repartir repartidos a partes casi iguales.

No me acuerdo de mucho más. A ver si convenzo a mi amigo para echar unos duelos por Internet  :thumbsup:
No lo he dicho todavía, pero el héroe silvano es Wyngaal. Lo mismo es un paquete, pero me gustaba su apariencia y a Ossir lo tenía muy visto. No sé qué habilidad especial tiene, pero en su descripción pone algo sobre:

"Cualquier tropa del enemigo que haga frente a Wyngaal y sus fuerzas tienen pocas probabilidades de conseguir una posición ventajosa, ya que la agudeza y experiencia de Wyngaal le dan un arma definitiva."
*** The Wizard's Isle ***

Tales have recently been told of a mist wreathed archipelago that has
sprung up in the western seas where nothing but water lay before.

They are the legendary Shrouded Isles, wherein lies the Fount of
Wizardry.  It is said that every thousand years they rise forth from the
ocean, and that whomsoever claims this power will reign ascendant for the
next thousand...

Even now your rivals are surely aware of the archipelago's emergence, and
are laying plans for it's conquest.

After Winning Map 1:
Through the inhabitants of these isles, you have learned the location of
an ancient library.  Within this library, an almost endless collection of
mystic knowledge might be gleaned.

Most importantly - within its dusty tomes must surely be information
concerning the Fount of Wizardry.  With this information you will be able
to locate and bind the Fount to your will.  Go forth and capture the city
of Chronos, wherein you will find the library you seek.

After Winning Map 2:
With the Library now yours to study, the location of the Fount of
Wizardry has been revealed to you.  Unfortunately, it has already been
claimed by one of your rivals!  Without the knowledge in the library of
Chronos, it may be some time before they can control its power, but once
they do they will be unstoppable.

However, the existence of an artifact of great potency has also been
revealed by the library.  This artifact has the power to completely
nullify all magic in its presence, a most effective weapon against a
rival Archmage...

After Winning Map 3:
The Orb of Negation is now yours, and with it's power your victory is all
but certain.

But move quickly, for time is running out and if the power of the Fount
of Wizardry is bound by one of your rivals not even the Orb will protect
you from their power.

You've Won!:
With all your rivals defeated and scattered before you, the Fount of
Wizardry is yours.

Now you will control the power to shape a new age of magic and unlock the
secrets of time itself.

Wield this power wisely and you shall become the greatest wizard of this
or any other world.
*** The Voyage Home ***

On my journey to the outer isles for Lord Alberon, a sudden and ferocious
storm wrecked my ship. I and a small contingent of the crew struggled to
the shore of an uncharted island. Now, I need to construct a ship large
enough to make the voyage back home to the mainland.

After Winning Map 1:
Our journey is well underway, and we should be home in a fortnight. By
pure luck we have discovered the notorious pirate isles. These pirates
have been raiding the coast of Lord Alberon's kingdom for years, and it
is my duty to find and eliminate their leader before continuing my

After Winning Map 2:
I arrived home last night, under the cover of a heavy fog. My cousin met
me on the beach. He explained that a civil war had broken out while I was
away. To my dismay, the leader of the rebellion is my sister the
Necromancer, with whom my family ties are very strong. Now I must decide:
should I remain loyal to my Lord Alberon who has treated me honorably
in my years of service, or acknowledge the more ancient bond of blood and
fight for my sister's cause.

You've Won! (Map 3):
I made a choice to remain loyal to Lord Alberon, and now my sister is
being carted away in chains to be held in prison till death finds her. I
have made peace with my decisions, but I sorely wish this conflict had
not led to bloodshed.

You've Won! (Map 4):
The Castle of my former Lord Alberon lies burning in the distance, and
even though my sister and I have triumphed in our cause, I will never
forget the betrayed look in my liege's eyes when he saw me riding against
*** Descendants ***

Many generations ago, before this kingdom came to power, the land was
the battleground for a handful of warring tribes.  The Barbarian
Jarkonas, first of a long line of rulers, had a vision: To conquer
and unify the tribes...

After Winning Map 1:
Several generations passed, and the kingdom which Jarkonas had
established grew and prospered freely.  But then, in the east, the
kingdom of Harondale grew to power, and a bitter rivalry over the borders

After Winning Map 2:
King Jarkonas III, grandson of Ethania, lay on his deathbed and pondered
the fate of his weakening kingdom; the constant struggle with its enemies
had taken a heavy toll. He knew that if the kingdom were to again
prosper, it would need aid from  distant relatives. The final choice he
had to make was this: send help to recruit Crazy Uncle Ivan the warmonger
and his barbarian clan, or send a search party out to look for the
family's wayward son Joseph, a wizard of some repute.

After Winning Maps 3 & 4:
In the 200th year since the unification of the tribes, during the dark
times of the family, a scout came frantically riding from the southern
border towns.  He reported that a barbarian horde had taken several
outposts and burned down another.  Geldria, the queen at the time,
sent an army south to reclaim the lost towns and secure the border.

After Winning Map 5:
As war and unrest threatened to topple the kingdom of Jarkonas, a blow
came which might have crushed it. The castle of Ivory Gates fell due to
the treacherous actions of a spy from Harondale. The ruler at the time,
Ethania Geldria II (the second), had to decide whether it was better to
send for help from the elves, or attempt to retake the fallen castle

After Winning Maps 6 & 7:
Now, I suppose, it is up to me, Jarkonas VI, to finish what my ancestors
started. Our family has grown stronger since Ivory Gates was recaptured
many years ago, and Harondale's luck has turned against them in battles
on other fronts. In the morning, I will launch an offensive against
Harondale's main territory. One way or the other, this long feud will
soon be at an end.

You've Won!:
Harondale's kingdom has fallen under our control, their rulers have all
fled to distant lands or been slain, and I am headed back to my castle
to live out my final years in peace.
*** The Price of Loyalty ***

Viscount Kraeger - a companion of your youth and commander of the
empire's northern reaches - has turned against the Emperor in open
rebellion.  Though he lacks the forces to topple the throne directly,
he has embarked on a quest for a legendary artifact that will grant him
powers great enough to destroy us all.

The Emperor has called upon you to march forth with your armies,
destroy the rebel Kraeger, and claim the artifact for the glory of the

After Winning Map 1:
You have succeeded in suppressing the rebellious northern provinces, and
now you must pursue the traitor's armies into the Darkscale mountains.

The Emperor's Archmage has obtained some knowledge of the artifact
Kraeger seeks; it is composed of three separate pieces that must be
brought together for their full power to be unlocked.

Even now, the traitor is beginning his search for the first piece, deep
within the mountains.  Uncover it before it falls into his hands; without
it we will never be able to discover the location of the other pieces.

After Winning Map 2:
With your successful retrieval of the artifact, Kraeger has fled to the
west, towards Glaive Island, where the next piece of the artifact is said
to be hidden.

Unfortunately, Kraeger has discovered a secret way through the Darkscale
Mountains, and is well ahead of you.  You face a choice of perils...

You may wish to follow Kraeger along the hidden path known as the Abyss,
but you will face mortal perils.  Nonetheless, this is the faster route.

Your other choice is to circle the mountains, through the forests to the
south and west.  These are elven lands, however, and there are those
within who might take great affront should your forces disturb their
shadowed glens.

After Winning Map 3:
As you have proven responsible for the removal of a hated rival, the
Elven lord Ilthanis has agreed to support the Empire in its hunt for
Kraeger.  He has promised to provide you with a tithe of wood, and any
elven forces you encounter will aid you in your quest.

However, there is also less fortunate news.  The traitor has already
unearthed the second piece of the artifact upon Glaive Isle.  Turn your
attention to the north, where the last piece lies deep within the snowy

A great barbarian kingdom straddles the passes to the northlands, and
you must subdue these fierce raiders before your expedition to the far
north may proceed.

After Winning Map 4 or 5:
Alas, Kraeger has already retrieved the second piece from Glaive Isle,
and all that remains is to race for the northern wastes to seek out the
last piece.  Whoever regains this piece will have an advantage when it
comes time to bring the traitor to ground.

Curiously, our scouts have returned with strange tales of verdant green
lands in midst of the snowy wastes. Whether these tales are true or
merely the ramblings of snow blinded travelers, none can tell.

After Winning Map 6:
The Emperor's Archmage has made a crucial discovery, plucked from the
thoughts of Kraeger himself as he fled the battle for the third artifact
piece. Kraeger is not alone in his treachery!

A cabal of Necromancers within the heart of the Empire itself has guided
him towards the artifacts they sought.

Now we may strike at the source of this chaos which threatens the empire.
Gather the Emperor's armies and destroy the Cabal and with it the traitor
who has evaded you these many months.

After Winning Map 7:
It appears that Kraeger fell under the sway of the Necromancers by means
of magic.  With the power of the Helm you have freed his mind and put an
end to his rebellion.  With this knowledge in mind, the Emperor may show
leniency for his rebellion when he faces the justice of the Empire.

But regardless of such matters, you have reclaimed the final piece of the
artifact and now it's full power is at the command of the Empire.  Take
up its might and wield it against our true foes!  Destroy the
Necromancers and their nest of treachery and deceit!

You've Won!
The might of our vast empire is maintained throughout the ages, with the
great wisdom of the Emperor to guide us and the strength of our noble
heroes to protect us.

You claim that Viscount Kraeger - a former friend and compatriot of
yours - did not act of his own will in this uprising, but was held under
the magical influence of the necromancers.  Be that as it may, he has
been seen by the people of our lands to raise arms against the Empire.
Such an act cannot go unpunished.

You may rejoice however, for the Emperor has chosen to grant you all
lands and titles that Kraeger possessed, in return for your great service
and obedience.

Such is the price of loyalty.