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Temas - Birrulon

Heroes VI - Ducado del Halcón / Armas Dinasticas
Enero 24, 2012, 05:26:36 PM
Me parece una gran idea lo de añadir un punto mas de ayuda a nuestros heroes en esta ultima entrega.
En mi afan de intentar conseguir todas las armas dinasticas e intentar subir su nivel para ver de lo que son capaces y como pueden llegar a contribuir en un combate,
he encontrado una lista para todos aquellos que como yo quieran conseguirlas y descubrir lo que nos ofrecen. Me gustaria resaltar que existen tres armas "Wlidcard" como aqui indica las cuales no me imagino donde encontrar. Si alguno tiene alguna idea que por favor la añada. Espero que sea de ayuda y mis disculpas por no poder añadir una traduccion a la lista. Un saludo Birrulon.

        Might Affinity

Angelic Alliance - Complete Sidequest in Haven Campaign, Mission 4.

Arachne - Complete Sidequest in Necromancy Campaign, Mission 1.

Assassin's Blade - Buy from the Altar of Wishes. Requires Gold Dynasty Rank.

Blade of Binding - Complete Sidequest in Inferno Campaign, Mission 4

Dragon Flame Tongue - Wildcard (see below)

Edge of Chaos - Exclusive to preordering Heroes VI.

Iron Feather - Complete Sidequest in Haven Campaign, Mission 1.

Malathua's Cleaver - Complete Sidequest in Stronghold Campaign, Mission 2. (Blood mission)

Perfect Silksword - Wildcard (see below)

Silksword of the Kirin - Complete Sidequest in Sanctuary Campaign, Mission 2.

Souldrinker - Defeat an enemy hero as part of the main quest in Inferno Campaign, Mission 1.

Sword of the Griffin - Unlocked as part of the main quest in the Prologue Campaign.

Sword of the Wolf - Complete Sidequest in Stronghold Campaign, Mission 1.

Sword of Whistlebone - Complete Sidequest in Stronghold Campaign, Mission 2.

          Magic Affinity

Batu's Totem - Buy from Altar of Wishes. Requires Platinum Dynasty Rank.

Heartrending Song - Complete Sidequest in Haven Campaign, Mission 2.

Soulreaver Staff - Complete Sidequest in Necropolis Campaign, Mission 1.

Staff of Asha's Eightfold - Exclusive to the Heroes VI Deluxe Edition.

Staff of Cleansing - Exclusive to the Heroes VI Deluxe Edition.

Staff of Sandro - Complete Sidequest in Necropolis Campaign, Mission 3.

Staff of Sar-Aggreth - Wildcard (see below)

Staff of the Tides - Complete Sidequest in Sanctuary Campaign, Mission 1.

The Oblivion - Unlock from Uplay with Uplay points.

Thunder Staff - Complete Sidequest in Stronghold Campaign, Mission 2.

Will of Urgash - Buy from the Altar of Wishes. Requires Silver Dynasty Rank.

WILDCARD: There are a few spots on campaign maps that contain "wildcard" artifacts - guarded locations that contain a random artifact (including these 3 dynasty weapons). As of right now, these "random" artifacts (which change their contents each time the map is played) are the only possible ways to get these weapons.