[Facebook] Interview With MMHK Game Master, Franck Vacher

Iniciado por Elder, Septiembre 16, 2010, 10:08:07 AM


Como no lo dice por ningún lado: se trata de Tylem. Como destacado el estreno esta semana de la Temporada 2 en Francia de forma definitiva, con los elfos silvanos y los extras de los puntos de legado, y otras innovaciones.

Continuing with our latest installment in our interview segment. This week we have Franck Vacher, Game Master of Might & Magic: Heroes Kingdoms in France...

Q: Heroes Kingdoms has been available in France for some time and now it's available in the U.S. What were some of the biggest challenges in launching in the U.S.?

FV: Hard question! Launching in any country is a big challenge, but launching in a country like the U.S. is a really big challenge! My main responsibility was to help U.S. Game Masters understand the game. I had to explain how all the tools worked and what kind of problems could potentially arise. It wasn't an easy thing to do, especially because of the ocean between us (and I hate the phone).

Every community is different. Of course players want to have fun, that's normal, and I follow the same way. However, I know French players because I used to work with the French Community and interactions vary by geographic region.

Q: How did you find yourself at Ubisoft and what has it been like since?

FV: I've been working at Ubisoft for 16 months now, which really isn't too long. I came especially for MMHK, the first Ubisoft MMO game. Before that, I worked on a few other MMORPGs (Saga of Ryzom, Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online) as either a Game Master, Event Manager or Community Manager.

Q: What's the most important piece of advice you can give to MMHK players who are still in the early stages of the game?

FV: If I had to choose one (and only one), it's to find a good alliance. The game is based largely on alliances and if your particular alliance isn't strong, you will have problems against your opponents. Join with your friends, talk with other players and prepare yourself for future battles. Anybody can win, but only if you have good team play!

Q: As a Game Master, what exactly are your responsibilities on a day-to-day basis?

FV: Answering to the players, managing the forums, and writing the news and feedback. Game Masters are the interface between players and the game.

I get in early in the morning and check my e-mail, the forums, and the tickets. I prepare any future meetings and also give the first answer to the players (mostly for the French ones). If I find a problem then I run straight to the Dev Team. From there, I continue to check the forums and the tickets. I'll forward any problem or good suggestion to the team, work on feedback and harass the Devs. I also work on the support tools, preparing documents for the future and when I have time, on the Event tools!

Q: How many people are on your immediate team and what are their various roles?

FV: We have three GMs in Europe. Two Devs are really close to our team, because they are the ones developing our tools. And we have a Community Developer in the U.S., Rory!

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of working on MMHK?

FV: It seems basic, but I want to say everything! I have a great job: I work on a MMOG, I share my passion with players, I talk with them and work to improve the game day after day.

We're releasing the second season in France this week, which has new races and abilities. I like release days because I really enjoy following players to see their reactions. I always try to do my best and it's amazing when players react positively and are happy to be here. For any GM, I think the most rewarding part of our job is to have happy players. That means we are doing our job well!

A giant thank you to Franck for participating in this interview segment! Please share your thoughts by commenting below!


-MMHK Team


:8O: ¡Muchas gracias, Elder! A ver si alguien tiene un hueco para traducir esto. Tb estaría bien que los que más puestos estéis en el juego fueseis pensando en una esructura para ordenar todo el contenido relacionado con Heroes Kingdoms, para abrirle un espacio en el Portal.
http://www.rae.es / :worthy: para Krator ¡por ser un campeón! / www.TorredeMarfil.es / Presidente de la plataforma de los Archimagos y Liches flanqueadores de títulos de web.