Community News - ENERO

Iniciado por RoB_KiNG, Enero 30, 2015, 05:12:09 PM



Hello Councillors,

Unfortunately, today we won't be able to share with you a "proper" article about the game and thus decided to wait until next week in order to have interesting content ready to be published.  Even if no minimum weekly article amount was set on this website, we know that you have been expected something for today, sorry for the inconvenience.  

As you may know, the M&M team have been pretty busy in the last few days with the still in discussion situation of Necropolis units but also the release of Heroes III – HD Edition on Steam & iOS/Android Tablets. Of course, different studios have been working on those projects but some of us at Ubisoft are following both of them (some of you might had the opportunity to meet me on H3 Twitch for instance).

However, we would like today to take this chance to come back on some topics while waiting for further festivities.

First of all concerning the website:

We would like to take the time to thank all of you for your investment on this website. When we originally thought about the possibility to implement levelling system in the website, we were totally underestimating today's figures. We will continue to improve this system and include new rewards but we hope you enjoy this feature as much as we do. Don't forget that you can share you fan arts, fan fics & more with the team. Experience bonuses linked to those activities should be added soon. We take good note of your feedback on the game but also on the website. We started this tool with Might & Magic X – Legacy OpenDev and will continue to improve it with your recommendations in the future. For now we are concentrating our efforts on future updates and pages.

We would also like to remind you that official MMH7 forums are live for several months now, they are available at this address:

However we are at the moment rarely present on this support in order to be able to keep up with the Shadow Council. A link to this forum will be added to the Community "Work-In-Progress" popup in the next few days. In the meantime, we identified that several members of this Council were asking for a place to chat with their peers. We are currently investigating the possibility to create an IRC channel for MMH7, what do you think about this? Of course we won't be able to be always connected on this one but we could stop by from times to times and maybe organize dev. chats. Let us know.

Now concerning the content:

We will introduce in the coming weeks articles to present you Limbic-Entertainment studio and give you through interviews and testimonies, more insights about the game development. Some faces that you may already know from Ubisoft team might appear too.

Necropolis townscreen and soundtrack will be unveiled with the dedicated website update for this faction. No official release date at the current time. However please note that the website update will stick to current visual of the creatures and might be updated in the future if necessary.

In the meantime, we are currently working on the Haven video, brief is almost over, we will start capture soon and then will take care of editing
And to finish, you should discover Academy classes in the coming weeks.


Resumiendo: los próximos acontecimientos parecen ser la muestra de la pantalla de ciudad de Necrópolis junto a su banda sonora. A su vez, las clases de Academia y un video-game de la facción Haven que espero que lo muestren cuanto antes  :tongue:



O sea que la semana que viene pondrán entrevistas y cosas del equipo de desarrollo. Por que las actualizaciones de Necropolis dice que no hay fecha de publicación....


Gracias por el resumen, Rob!  :thumbup: / :worthy: para Krator ¡por ser un campeón! / / Presidente de la plataforma de los Archimagos y Liches flanqueadores de títulos de web.


[quote user="Karcharoth" post="74899"]O sea que la semana que viene pondrán entrevistas y cosas del equipo de desarrollo. Por que las actualizaciones de Necropolis dice que no hay fecha de publicación....[/quote]

Si, supongo que primero sacaran las típicas entrevistas de algunos miembros del equipo de desarrollo de Limbic como ya hicieron en el pasado y luego sacarán lo más jugoso  :tongue:


Estoy deseando ver la pantalla de la ciudad y el tema de la facción. Lo quería para ayer
Si buscas una buena solución y no la encuentras, consulta al tiempo, puesto que el tiempo es la máxima sabiduría. -Tales de Mileto


No se si es sensación mía o que, pero ¿no creéis que según lo que han desarrollado hasta ahora de Heroes VII y su intención de lanzamiento en 2015, no les va a dar tiempo, o van a lanzar un juego MUY recortado?


Hombre...acabamos de empezar febrero...2015 queda para rato... Además, casi nadie sabe el estado actual, ellos van soltando cosas a medida por el departamento de marketing...
Eso sin tener en cuenta que en este siglo, los juegos salen en estado beta...y ya luego con suerte, se terminan
Doble cruzado, cuadruple placer.


[quote user="Krator" post="74985"]Hombre...acabamos de empezar febrero...2015 queda para rato... Además, casi nadie sabe el estado actual, ellos van soltando cosas a medida por el departamento de marketing...
Eso sin tener en cuenta que en este siglo, los juegos salen en estado beta...y ya luego con suerte, se terminan[/quote]

Cierto, por norma, últimamente: 2ª expansión = juego completo.

Lo cual deja bastante mal al Heroes 6, la verdad.