¿Nuevo Might & Magic Al Descubierto?

Iniciado por RoB_KiNG, Mayo 05, 2011, 03:45:14 PM


While we wait for Might & Magic Heroes VI, which is due out from Ubisoft this fall, the company may be preparing another title in the series.

Superannuation has posted (via Twitter) a domain registration it found by Ubisoft for a mightandmagicraiders.com. Whether this is a new game, planned expansion for Might & Magic Heroes VI, a downloadable title, or something else entirely is unknown. Last month, the company put out Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes HD, a match-three title for XBLA and PSN.



Vaya, vaya... apuesto por un juego para la nueva 3DS.
Whatchoo talkin\' bout, Roofles?
Cofundador del Club de Antifans de Lepastur - ¡Pongamos fin al Reinado de Terror del Tirano Infernal!


Estoy con Tarnum, seguramente saldrá algun otro titulo para alguna portatil o mini-juego.
Doble cruzado, cuadruple placer.