[Actualización Diária] Imagen Del Día!

Iniciado por RoB_KiNG, Enero 17, 2011, 11:14:19 AM


Cita de: RobbieTurno para las criaturas de Inferno.

Son fotogramas de las animaciones cachondas. La del Amo del Abismo bateando, o eso parece, es la caña  :laugh:
http://www.rae.es / :worthy: para Krator ¡por ser un campeón! / www.TorredeMarfil.es / Presidente de la plataforma de los Archimagos y Liches flanqueadores de títulos de web.


No me digas que la Breeder es como Messi con una pelota?  :laugh:

Muy chulas todas, espero poderlas ver agun día.


[quote user="RoB_KiNG" post="48862"]No me digas que la Breeder es como Messi con una pelota?  :laugh: [/quote]
Sí, y el Lacerador y el Yaguernote son bailarines, uno de ellos muy especial para nosotros... :ph34r:
http://www.rae.es / :worthy: para Krator ¡por ser un campeón! / www.TorredeMarfil.es / Presidente de la plataforma de los Archimagos y Liches flanqueadores de títulos de web.


¿No me digas que baila flamenco?  :shock:


Ya lo veréis... pero teniendo en cuenta que el bicho es prácticamente un toro... :ph34r:
http://www.rae.es / :worthy: para Krator ¡por ser un campeón! / www.TorredeMarfil.es / Presidente de la plataforma de los Archimagos y Liches flanqueadores de títulos de web.


Pero que bueno esto de la sanimaciones! :clap:
Whatchoo talkin\' bout, Roofles?
Cofundador del Club de Antifans de Lepastur - ¡Pongamos fin al Reinado de Terror del Tirano Infernal!



[quote user="RoB_KiNG" post="48862"]No me digas que la Breeder es como Messi con una pelota?  :laugh:

Muy chulas todas, espero poderlas ver agun día.[/quote]
Me parto contigo, la segunda imagen ciertamente parece que estén chutando a ubisoft...

(aparte de el/la breeder con la pelota de playa).


Desde la página oficial inglesa nos llegan las descripciones del Spring Spirit y el Mizu Kami.



Spring Spirits are major Water Spirits linked to the purest spiritual waters. They are found in the springs and waterfalls that are close to Water Dragon veins or nexuses. They are often summoned by the Naga priesthood to participate in their numerous "cleansing" rites, or to guard the Naga warriors on the field of battle, thanks to their unique ability to meld with their allies and provide them spiritual and magical protection.

The Mizu Kami is the upgraded Spring Spirit.


Nueva imagen semanal que nos sonará algo familiar  :wink:

That's all that's left of some poor bloke... Ashan is a dangerous world.


Lord Haart

[align=justify]Biography: A protegee of the House of Stag, Lord Haart showed his mettle from a young age, fighting as Lord Kieran's squire during the Elven Wars when he was only thirteen winters old.
After Lord Kieran's mysterious disappearance, Lord Haart dedicated himself even more fully to the ways of the sword, becoming the youngest Knight to ever walk the entire Duchy. Not to mention one of the bravest.
Gossip has it that when the rambunctious innkeep, Bardon Fleece, mocked the renowned Knight for his reticence in discussing his experiences during the Elven Wars, Lord Haart gave him an impromtu change of dress -with the tip of his blade from three paces.

Specialization: Natural Born Leader (Hero starts with +4 Leadership)[/align]


[align=justify]Biography: Lady Eileen first became famous for bringing identical triplets into the world. This miraculous blessing from Elrath was soon defiled as her three sons were captured by mercenaries seeking ransom, and held captive for seven years. During this period where Emperor Liam himself offered a tremendous reward for the children's return, Eileen turned to Elrath for guidance and became an extremely devout priestess. Upon the return of her children and the beheading of their captors, her sons were far from the gentle Angels that she had once known and were sent to the schools of the inquisitors for a desperate reeducation.
Eileen continues to see them regularly, but she relies more on prayers to Elrath and the education of the church for their upbringing than her personal attention.
Eileen's secret rage at the turn of fate in her life, has given her an extremely pragmatic if not expediant sense of justice.

Specialization: Sister Master (production of Sisters and Vestals is increased by 6 per week)[/align]


Doble cruzado, cuadruple placer.


Turno para los héroes de la Necrópolis!  :laugh:


[align=justify]Biography: Scatha left the kingdom of Tuidhana at the age of twenty-four to study the way of the sword in the Seven Cities at the invitation of the Mageblade Deras Ban, one of the greatest weapon masters in Ashan. She was a brilliant student and studied up until the time her queen was attacked by the Holy Falcon Empire. Deras Ban, extremely fond of his prize student, sent her into hiding in his native city, Al-Betyl, fearing that the High Mages of the Seven Cities would side with Emperor Liam, and that she would be imprisonned as a sign of good faith. While hiding in a luxurious cellar in Al-Betyl, Scatha became aquainted with the cult of the Spider Goddess. There is a great deal of mystery around her conversion, but she is devout and trusted by both the Mother Namtaru and the Necromancer Sveltana.

Specialization: Agony Master (Hero starts with the Agony ability, with efficiency bonus)[/align]

Sir Jaywoods

[align=justify]Biography: Sir Jaywoods, formerly a knight of the Unicorn Duchy, would tell you that he chose to become a Vampire because there's more life in half-dozen ghosts than a hundred living, breathing townsfolk, and the truth of the matter is not far off. Sir Jaywoods is obsessed with the future, a fascination that was sparked by his father's passion for history. He wants to know who will rule Ashan in five hundred years, what the constant discoveries of arcane magic might bring, and whether there will always be space for chivalrous men such as himself. Becoming an immortal Vampire was one way to find out. He wagers that life will remain cruel and bloodied whatever the age, but he's happy to hunt Demons while he waits to find out.

Specialization: Enlightened (Hero starts with the Enlightenment ability, with efficiency bonus)[/align]


[align=justify]Biography: Once a vassal of Lord Okane, Changbo refused to swear allegiance to his new daimyo, Hiroshi. That day he became two men. Pirate and brigand to those within earshot of the daimyo's soldiers. Hero and defender to those same folk when speaking with hushed voices in private. A Ronin who puts his strict moral code above all other considerations, Changbo can easily give up wealth, power, or status in his quest to protect the weak from the whims of the strong.

Specialization: Blade Master - Increases the effectiveness of Heroic Strikes (the Heroic Strikes being the "direct attacks" of the Hero)[/align]

Capturas de las diferentes animaciones de las criaturas del Bastión!


I por último un Speedpaint  :wink:

Kirin Speedpaint


Nueva imagen semanal!  :thumbup:

A Sanctuary city, on the flanks of a dormant volcano.


Ilustración (Montaje) del orco Kraal

Artefacto Staff of Asha