Heroes 3 2010 World Cup

Iniciado por masterangello, Marzo 13, 2010, 10:39:03 AM


World Cup 2010 - Heroes III



Heroes of Might and Magic III is one of the most popular computer games. More than 10 years players from all the world can't forget it. Active development of Internet makes it possible to come to a new level in player's communication. There is a process of establishing the closer relations between players from different countries at the moment. Many tournaments between foreign-speaking communities were conducted recently.

This tournament will be conducted for further popularization of Heroes III game, development and consolidation of game relationships between players from the different countries, exchange of experience between players, learning the new templates, strategies and tactics.

Our tourney will unite players from all the world first time in history. Therefore it can be named World Cup.


Tournament is supported by http://www.legends-of-heroes.com, http://www.herosworld.ru, http://www.gamerhome.net, http://www.heroesportal.net, http://www.heroes.by.


ICQ 465786677
e-mail slava.oskol@gmail.com


Referees - each of 5 communities provide one person. Each solution will be accepted by majority of judges.



Any person who wants to take part in World Cup must register on http://worldcup.legends-of-heroes.com/ site.

You can register in World Cup Tournament till 31 March 23.59 GMT.

Start of tournament

Start of World Cup is 1 April.
Tournament System

World Cup is conducted according to double elimination system. 10 players from each community will have advantage in a toss-up. Each match continues until one player wins twice. Each round persist 3 weeks.




All players must have ICQ client to communicate with each other. Recommended network sofware is Hamachi and GameRanger.